We've been cloth diapering our little guy since he was about 2 months old (he is now 16 months). I used some cloth before then but mostly disposable since we were given so many at our shower. Up until about 6 months ago I had stuck with disposable wipes. I just was
unsure scared just plain lazy to use cloth wipes, although now I'm not sure why. So•much•easier than digging out wipes that accidentally get put in the pail-now that is gross! The savings adds up and the fact I don't have to remember to buys wipes has been a nice perk too. Below are a series of pictures showing how I cut up an old receiving blanket to use as wipes. Easy•Peasy
I used the fold lines as a guide since I was going for easy not perfection |
I was able to get 16 wipes out of 1 blanket |
Here they are all folded up ready to go (although it is much harder to get them out this way) |
This is how they are normally in the box-much easier to grab quick |