Monday, April 26, 2010

Hop on over...

To {Show & Tell}

I have really been enjoying some of her projects. Here is one that I might attempt soon:

To see the original post with all the photos go here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

{Mama Mia}

When growing up my mother taught me to cook lots of homemade things. I have carried that into the season of life I am in now. Bread, mashed potatoes, desserts, well they're a piece of cake. Pasta was never on my list of homemade "from scratch". Until my daughter asked if we could make some pasta...I of course said "why not". Within a week I purchased a pasta machine. I guess I could have made it without the pasta machine but I sometimes I tend to dive right in. Last Sunday Haily and I dove on in by making ravioli. Never mind the fact that I didn't have {stuff} for the filling or any sauce. I'd figure something out. Here is a series of pictures showing start to finish...

For the filling I used a block of cream cheese with some fresh basil, salt, pepper and an egg. The sauce is just a can of tomatoes, crushed with italian spices and fresh garlic.

Oh, that little blurb on the picture with my daughter mixing the eggs in (with her favorite utensil - her hands). It says the shells are being saved for the compost pile...stay tuned for the upcoming compost post.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Havin' my cake and eating it too

I went to a baby shower for a dear friend of mine Saturday night. Her husband and my husband grew up together and are "like brothers". This is their 5th child and the first girl *sweet*
I needed to bake the cake so I chose a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache. I had made is a couple of weeks ago for a friends birthday. My husband LOVED it and was excited that I would be making it again.

(Enter my perfectionist personality)

I thought to myself how I was gonna make this cake and get it out the door without him cutting into it. I would simply bring him a piece home. Then I thought of this post. I generally give my husband the biggest portion of meat, first or get him a drink, first. But my beautiful cake, OH NO I couldn't cut into it before I took it to the party. Now some of you might think I am silly for saying this but if I were to tell my husband that this cake was for my friends and he could have the leftovers (if any) then it would be almost like telling him he was second and my friends were thought of first. I put my thinking cap on and came up with a way that I could have my cake (it being pretty and whole when arriving at the party) and eat it too (making sure my husband received the first piece).

Here is a picture of my cake for the party:

Here is the one that I made for my husband so he could have the first piece:

(small custard size)

The response from him was all smiles :)

Now I probably won't be baking separate cakes every time. But I will be more cautious about putting my husband first and everyone else second. Maybe I should work on my perfectionism (is that a word??) too...


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a little bit of back in time...

Happy wife=milk in a glass jug
My husband brought this home to me... He knows how to make me smile. This is New Yorks very own Byrne Dairy milk in a glass jug. We don't have any Byrne Dairy stores near by so when he heads to Rochester, he brings me one back. 
Thanks Babe! 


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