Thursday, December 31, 2009

The 30 Day Shred Day 3 & 4

It took me a bit of time to catch my breath... 2 days to be exact but I'm still at it. Since I was "on a date" Tuesday I wasn't able to squeeze in the 20 min workout. Getting home past midnight and having to get up at 7 was bad enough and I wasn't about to take any extra time before I crawled into my cozy bed. So I did skip a day and I'm ok with that.

A birthday party and grocery shopping were on the menu last night. After getting everything put away, I was NOT in the mood  SUPER excited to pick up my weights and get to workin out. I will say that I don't really care for Jillian's mouth - I detest motivational speaking (when working out) and if someone says "just a couple more" they should practice what the preach. Hopefully after tonights workout I will know the routine enough to just listen to music until I hit up level 2 (Jan 7th). 

How do I feel? I feel great and have noticed that I have more energy. My muscles are tighter and I feel a difference when wearing a pair of my jeans. I am tempted to take my measurements and weight but I holding off until day 10.

How do I look? The same :)

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed New Year!

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